Sunday, February 17, 2008

POst it!

Okay.....I have decided that this Blog is the only appropriate medium to communicate with the Old World (I am now in the New World, you see...across the Atlantic...I just watched 'Canada: A People's History') I will post photos here instead. That other site feels too random. Here....I finally walked across the overpass. The train station...where it all began for Swift Current...I took several shots from the bridge...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I shall begin with a brief keynote speech.

Item number one: I read a book a long time ago and in the book there was a cow wearing blue shoes, and I think there was an unrelated woman tied to a water wheel...and maybe the Devil...squatting...(why is he always shown squatting...the position does have an unholy taste to it, I suppose...I bet Jesus never squatted)...any leads??

Item number two: If Christmas cannot be counted on to simply stop everything forever, then I do not think I am being unreasonable to request that it at least redraw the terms between myself and the universe.

Item number three: If anyone would like to go to a Kashmiri restaurant with me, please let me know.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Post number four.

This is the most modern thing I have ever done.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I make excellent potatoes.

No really......I'm totally impressed with the consistent degree of quality.

So um.....I should have learnt Derrida with a vengeance, but I didn't. I never make very good use of my vengeance. I really should....

That's it.

Friday, September 16, 2005

No!!! I don't have time today.

Damnit! What a drain on resources!

Oh....Someone please fix my VCR....

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Post number one.

Captain's blog,

Day 59 over, no ship in sight. Used the last of Gowdy for fishing, but nothing bit. Ate bait myself, cut tongue on hook. Enjoyed the warmth and saltiness of my own blood. Not as much as Gowdy's....

I anticipate a fitful night of half-sleep, perhaps the mildew high will help.

I may be dead by tomorrow night. I shall curse Mr. Littlejohn's perfidy for all eternity.